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Crystal Precautions, A List of Potentially Toxic Minerals

Crystals are one of the most beautiful gifts that we have been given by Mother Earth and metals in their various forms can also delight the senses. However, just like Mother Earth herself, some crystals can be just as dangerous as they are beautiful. Many of these stones are perfectly safe to handle or wear as jewelry, but present a danger when they are used to create anything that will be consumed (internally).

No matter what you are intending to do with your crystals, you should always be aware of base minerals they contain as a very good chunk of them can contain poisonous elements, such as copper, lead, zinc and arsenic.

This can be a problem if you plan on using your crystals for Gem Elixirs.

A List of Potentially Toxic Minerals

Some minerals are more toxic than others and there are many different types of toxicity. You must use your own judgement when choosing what crystals to work with and how to use them.

This is NOT a comprehensive list of all toxic minerals.

Please be safe, and do extensive research on your crystals before using them, especially if you are making a Gem Elixir and the crystal infused elixir (water) will be ingested.

Adamite- Zinc arsenate, may also contain iron or copper

Actinolite - a fibrous form of asbestos

Ajoite - contains aluminum and copper

Alexandrite - contains aluminum

Aluminum - Aluminum toxicity can impair growth, cause bone deformities and weakness, confusion, speech problems and seizures. Especially dangerous for people with impaired kidney function.

Amazonite - The color is from copper or lead, but it is considered stable.

Angelite or Anhydrate - Calcium sulfate, may also contain lead

Antimony - Ingesting or inhaling antimony results in poisoning similar to arsenic

Aragonite - a type of calcium carbonite (aka chalk). Reactive to certain other minerals, releases toxic chemicals if burned. Irritating to eyes and mucus membranes.

Arsenic - A particularly potent poison popular with assassins during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Aspestos - causes respiratory irritation. A well-documented cancer-causing agent.

Atacamite - contains copper

Aurichalcite - a carbonate mineral containing zinc and copper

Azurite - contains copper

Barium - Affects the nervous system… explosive.

Beryl Group - beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate. Beryllium is a carcinogen

Boji-stones- These are trademarked. Who knows what's in them. Rumored to contain sulfur.

Brochantite - A copper sulfate

Cavansite - calcium vanadium silicate, All vanadium compounds should be considered toxic.

Celestite - strontium sulfate

Cerussite - lead carbonate aka white lead ore

Chalcanthite - contains copper and sulfur and is water soluble

Chalcopyrite (Peacock Stone, Peacock Ore) - a copper iron sulfide mineral Chrysocolla - a copper silicate

Cinnabar - this is where mercury comes from

Conichalcite - contains both copper and arsenic

Copper - Has been linked to cirrhosis of the liver and Alzheimer's Disease, among other things

Covellite - a copper sulfide mineral

Cuprite - copper

Dioptase - a copper cyclosilicate mineral

Eilat Stone – copper

Emerald – a type of beryl

Eudialyte - Mildly radioactive, soluble in an acid solution

Flourite - corrosive, may irritate skin or eyes.

Gem Silica - copper

Galena - lead sulfide

Garnierite (Genthite) - nickel ore

Iolite aka Cordierite - a magnesium iron aluminium cyclosilicate

Iron - While iron is necessary to body function, excess iron intake through ingestion or inhalation can lead to intestinal distress and liver failure.

Kansas Pop Rocks - concretions of iron sulfide

Kyanite - contains aluminum

Labradorite - contains aluminum

Lapis Lazuli - contains sulfur.

Lead - Lead interferes with many body processes and is particularly dangerous to children

Marcasite - an iron sulfide

Magnetite (Lodestone) - an iron oxide

Malachite - a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral

Meteorite - These come from space. There's no end to the possibilities.

Mohawkite - contains copper and arsenic

Moldavite - this naturally occurring glass may contain a variety of minerals

Moonstone - a sodium potassium aluminium silicate

Nickel - Builds up in the body, a carcinogen, causes an allergic response in some

Orpiment - an arsenic sulfide mineral

Psilomelane - contains barium

Pyrite (Fool's Gold, Inca Gold) - iron sulfide

Realgar - also known as ruby of arsenic. Also contains sulfur. Was once used to poison rats and for fireworks.

Ruby - aluminum oxide

Sapphire - aluminum oxide

Sodalite - contains aluminum

Spinel - contains aluminum

Stibnite - an antimony sulfide

Strontium - exists in both stable and radioactive forms. Stable forms can cause poor bone growth in children if inhaled or ingested in large quantities

Smithsonite (Galmei, Zinc spar)- zinc carbonate

Sulfur - Extremely irritant if inhaled. Dangerous to mucus membranes. Ingestion causes vomiting & diarrhea

Topaz - contains aluminum and flourine

Tourmaline - a crystal boron silicate that may contain aluminum, iron or other minerals

Turquoise - an hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium

Uranium - radioactive mineral

Vanadinite - Vanadium ore, also a source of lead

Vanadium - Toxic in high levels, however, it is not easily absorbed through ingestion

Variscite - aluminum

Wulfenite - a lead molybdate mineral

Zinc - Although some zinc is necessary to body function, excess zinc can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients.

As always when using crystals, make sure you know how to use them and for what intent or purpose. Crystals are wonderful healing tools if used correctly.

In Light, Love ans Healing

Ana Satya

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