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My Dear Goddesses, You Can Wear Anything YOU Want.

Can you wear a dress with sneakers?


Baby you can wear anything you want, in any way your little heart desires 💜

Just match it with the perfect #jewelry and voilà! Gorgeous and fabulous!

I LOVE these Gemstone long necklaces because you can wear them in many different ways. Like I’m doing here, just tie a knot at the level that you want, and turn it into a completely different necklace creating a visually stunning focal piece that will cover a little more, specially if you wearing a very open dress in the chest area. 👗

All the jewelry I choose to match this outfit is #vibing in tones of #lavender and #purple using #healingstones such as 💜 #Charoite #lepidolite #kunzite #sugilite #amethyst to make it even more #vibrant I added #peridot #turquoise and #selenite

You can find this and many other long Gemstone Necklaces on the store as well as the #gemstonebracelet and #labradorite earrings.

@CrystalHealthGoddess Creating Stunning Genuine Gemstone Jewelry For The Goddess in YOU!


In Light, Love & Healing

Ana Satya


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