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~ Crystal Healing Articles For You ~


Citrine is without a doubt and all time favorite crystal of mine. When you think about help with staying mentally focused, awaken your creativity, attracting abundance and prosperity... this is definitely the right crystal to work with. This crystal promotes personal power, self-confidence, self-worth, and mental decisiveness needed to gain the respect of others for the work we do. Known as the MERCHANT STONE, Citrine helps us to acquire and maintain wealth.


There are many ways to cleanse your crystals. You will find the internet filled with articles and information on how to keep your crystals clean and how to care for them and they long lasting well being. For me, when it comes to the care of your crystals, it's much more than just clean them once a while. For crystals not only need to be cleanse but they need to be recharged, re-energized. Additionally not all crystals can be cleansed the same way. That is why you need to know your crystals and how to care for them.


The way that I see it, besides as a result of hereditary, or bad eating habits and environmental causes; cancer comes in many shapes and forms and it is becoming all too common. What I have noticed is, cancer is really about us holding back our energy, our creative power, and the ‘real’ us that want to do more but we feel we can’t for many different reasons. We hold back for so long and we shut down our light, slowly over time. Energetically, it is stagnant or blocked energy. It often appears black to me, where there should be light or a colour. Putting light back in, and opening the flow into the area is what needs doing.


You can become a victim of psychic attack. Which is one of the most damaging things you can experience because you may not even be aware of it. You must feel tired, without energy, morally down, even depress! You just feel like there is a dark cloud over your head, and don't even know how to explain the feeling or understand what is happening to you.


Energetically, planet Earth is a complex crystalline grid, an electro-magnetic grid of energy held together via the physical and non-physical (etheric) crystals of Mother Earth. Earth’s crystals encapsulate the elements of creation (Earth, Fire, Air, Water & Spirit) via a crystalline grid of energy that gives Earth her torroidal energy field, her gravity, her north & south poles, her atmosphere and supports the proliferation of a thriving eco-system of life here on Earth.


Theoretically, healing is simple. When something blocks the flow of energy to the cells, they begin to die. If enough cells die, they affect the organs and other energy systems. If enough organs die, the body dies. This deterioration of the cells we call sickness. If enough of the right type of energy is returned to the cells, they will repair, rejuvenate, replace, and rebuild the damaged systems. This stabilized and revitalized system is called wellness. Pain is one of the signals the cells use to call attention to the problem. 


Orgone is the universal Life force, the basic building block of all organic and inorganic matter on the material planet. ORGONE is also known as prana, life force, ki, chi, mana, universal energy...etc


No, these people have no consciousness, no real emotions, or feelings. They lack empathy for others; they find tremendous joy in hurting, using and abusing others, for their very own selfish reason.


Crystals are one of the most beautiful gifts that we have been given by Mother Earth and metals in their various forms can also delight the senses. However, just like Mother Earth herself, some crystals can be just as dangerous as they are beautiful.


Metaphysical Legend states that there was once an advanced ancient civilization called Lemuria, similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful. As the end of their time on Earth was coming to an end, the Lemurians programmed these crystals to teach their messages of oneness and healing - messages that would be revealed when the energy on Earth was ready to receive them.


The chakras are spirals of light that bring energy into the body and remove old energy from the body. Chakras, derived from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel or circle, are the energy centers of your spiritual power within your body. There are 7 major Chakra centers of the physical body, where vital energy flows and intersects. They begin at the base of your spine and continue up to the crown of your head.


Today I want to talk to you about the "Crystal healer certifications" some won't like this post. I don't care, I'm writing it with the best of intentions to make YOU aware of things. Holistic medicine is a wonderful thing! Yet an explosion of "holistic businesses" has grown tremendously for the past few years. Same thing with crystals! The "Crystal business" has grown tremendously. Now you have 20 years old kids selling crystals with all these "certifications" calling themselves "Crystal healers."


One of the most frequent questions I get asked all the time, is if you can have different crystal kits in your house? For example, one for protection and one for prosperity? and also, if you can mix different crystals without they interfering with each other?I just responded to a message from a customer asking

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Today I want to address something and offer some words of advice. I see this picture going around on the internet via social media (FB and IG) and people be like... OMG I want this, I want this!!! Malachite is amazing, not only for it's beauty but for it's metaphysical properties. HOWEVER, Malachite releases toxic fumes when


For many years I helped women bringing their babies into this world, focusing mainly in natural childbirth and home births. One thing I wish that I knew back then, was about crystals and to had the knowledge I have now. I will have definitely use them, not only to help me in my own childbirth, but my clients as well.


There are many many crystals that can be helpful for that, here I’m including some of my favorites. A great way to work with crystals for physical healing, is to create a crystal healing bag with a combination of them, and place them in the area of the body we trying to heal, stop pain or recover from injury.


Since the creation of my crystal healing kit for Childbirth and Delivery, many women have contacted me asking about crystals for fertility. There are many crystals and stones that has been used since ancient times to aid women with fertility and conception.

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Healing Crystals and Gemstones are not only beautiful, and mystical, but also profound Energy Medicine tools, which have been used for centuries throughout all cultures, religions and empires. Crystals bring amazing benefits of Healing, to those who use them. I have been in the business for over 12 years, working with very trusted sources from all over the world, to bring you the best quality Crystals & Gemstones. When you buying from me, your satisfaction is always guarantee.


Disclaimer: All information provided in this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed in this website are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care.

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