Today I want to talk to you about "Crystal Healer Certifications" and I know in advance that some people won't like this post, specially the creators of these courses. But I'm writing this article for you with the best of intentions to make YOU aware of things.
Holistic medicine is a wonderful thing! I'm 100% a believer and advocate of it. Yet an explosion of "holistic businesses" has grown tremendously for the past few years. The same thing have happened with crystals! The "Crystal business" has grown tremendously. Now you have 18-20  years old kids selling crystals calling themselves "Certified Crystal healers." You may also follow many other accounts (such as mine) that sell and talk about crystals and you think we may be an authority in the field. And many of us are, or at least we have put the work and learn quite a bit about the mineral kingdom, do our research and work for MANY years with crystals, even before starting to sell them or make a business out of it.Â
First of all, I would like to say that there is absolutely nothing that I know myself, that  you cannot learn on your own and know too, without a need for "certifications." Now, having said this, I want to tell you my experience when researching on this subject.
1- I decided to do some research and one of my first findings, was a website/school looking very legit online that asked me just to sign up with my email, to access the "Crystal healing course program" as soon as I entered my email on their website form, I received two emails. One email containing a PDF document with the course, and another email with my "Crystal Healer Certification." I could not believe that without even having taken a peak at the " training course" I got a pretty looking "certification" sent to me? Come on!! That is just beyond crazy, period.
2- I continued my search and I went to a much better well known school (online) and their course was a lot more detailed, extensive and well put together for what I could see. Great, this looks better I told myself. However, one thing I noticed was the claims they made about their "school" making it sound a lot more "professional." How do they do this? by saying for example that they are a "member" of such and such organization and their course is "accredited" by the prestigious "holistic practitioners association" just to give an example.
This made me be very curious immediately wanting to k now more about these "prominent organizations" that provides accreditation online schools and courses.
What I found was incredibly disappointing because when you do a bit of research, you will realize that those same "professional associations" are a bunch of nonsense too!Â
What do I mean by this? Well, that particular "holistic practitioners association" that is so well known, is just a website that someone like you or me can create. They can register it under a professional sounding, catchy name such as "the national holistic healing center of America" for example.
Then they request for your school/organization to become a member and their fee was $35 a year! After becoming a member and paying your fees, is that you can add your "school or Course" on their website. This also allows you to use their organization logo/images and add them to your own website (your online school) and said that your course is an accredited course by the National Holistic Healing Association Of America" display their logo and a link to their own website where people will see that this school is listed there and is accredited, making it legit.
This is so deceitful to me, because now here you are thinking, Wow this is a legit trusting school and so is their course/program. I mean they are accredited by the national association of holistic healing of America! right?
I found so many shady websites, schools, associations and programs, over populating the Internet, it blew truly my mind. This is the perfect example of "let's milk this cow!" And get the most out of this "Crystal business" but to me, this is unethical and bluntly speaking it's just bullshit!Â
Now, does this means there are not real schools or accredited programs where you can study about crystals and crystal healing, or even get a certification?
Of course they are, but one must be very cautious and do a serious research before paying for anything. Most important do not be fooled by "fancy and professional" looking names or websites. Hence taking into consideration, what I mentioned about these "professional sounding associations" that are NOT legit!
So please make sure you do your own research!! Find a legit school IF you wish to become a "Certified Crystal Healer" but know that in order to learn about Crystals and Crystal Healing, and work with them? I personally don't think one "needs" to have a fancy looking certification.
Most important to mention here is for you to know that I'm NOT against "professional certifications" at all. Myself personally I AM certified in many other fields. Such as I'm a Certified Lactation Consultant, a Certified Doula and a Certified Childbirth Educator" from Legit and very well known and respected organizations. This allowed me to learn a great deal, get the training I needed, to be able to attend childbirths and help other women, as a professional in the childbirth field and beyond. I did this for many many years before Crystals came into my life. So as you can see I do have nothing against training and getting a professional education or certifications, I'm just against the people who create shady programs to charge people's money without being a legitimate school or organization.
Because when it comes to crystals, and Crystal healing? There are many opportunistic people who are doing this solely for financial gains, and are quite shady to be honest with you.
Most people who knows a lot about crystals and healing with them, do not  have these fancy certifications. They just have done tons of research and published books, where they teach and educate others about this subject. The people who have certifications are gemologists, petrologists, Mineralogists, but these people focus more on the scientific aspect of minerals, leaving aside the metaphysical.
I personally have worked and used crystals for many years to heal myself. Then I got the message on a meditation to teach others about crystals and how to use them for personal use and healing, and that is how I started creating Crystal healing kits and creating a small business out of it. I do not consider myself a "Crystal healer" neither I care a bit about having a fancy good looking paper that said I'm a "Certified Crystal Healer." I actually believe we ALL have the ability to heal ourselves. We just need to learn how to use all the tools Mother Earth provide us with in order to do so. This applies to crystals, herbs, foods, energy medicine, alternative healing methods such as acupuncture, Ayurveda, nutrition, chiropractic, ayahuasca, homeopathy, medicinal plants, and the list can go on an on. It is a COMBINATION of things and healing methods that can help us restore our health and being.Â
But when it comes to crystals and healing with them? You can meet someone who have worked all their life with crystals and have a vast knowledge of them, such as "Melody" and you can find people who are clueless, yet have a fancy "certification" hanging In a pretty frame, that took them a minute to get, just by entering an email (as I did in my search) or by taking a one week course online, that grant them the title of "certified Crystal healer." This of course sounds pretty cool, and makes you look "as an authority" in this field.Â
I LOVE crystals, working with them and educating people about them. I consider myself a bridge between crystals and people. I'm their keeper until they find you and you become their keeper.Â
I wrote this article and speak my mind about this subject, because I wanted to share this info with you. I was appalled when in my research I found out I could get a "professional certification" just by giving my email. Or finding out about "professional associations" that turned to be just a website with a catchy name an awesome "marketing" skills and techniques. But which at the end of the day I consider them to be bull shit.
And I wanted to share with you my findings and speak my mind about it.
Hope this post help you in any way, and that you find it interesting. Be wise, be aware, but be cautious as well.Â
In Light, love and Healing
Ana satya