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CystalHealthGoddess Recommended Products

I have been asked many time to share some of the products I personally use, in my wellness journey and even for business purposes. I decided to create this page to share them all with you. Please know that I will NEVER recommend or promote a product that I don't take or use myself personally.

Supplements & Wellness Products

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Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Powder with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C, Unflavored


I absolutely LOVE this product and add it to my smoothies pretty much daily. if one day I don't feel like having a smoothie, I simply add a scoop to a half glass of almond Milk and drink it just like that. The powder dissolves easily with any milk and taste delicious in my opinion.


  • Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Advanced is a premium offering, with 20g Collagen Peptides per serving plus two additional functional ingredients – 100% daily value Vitamin C and 120mg Hyaluronic Acid

  • Vitamin C helps to support the body’s natural collagen production while Hyaluronic Acid helps to improve skin hydration and joint mobility.

  • Bioavailable Collagen Peptides Advanced Powder: Sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine. Digested and absorbed by the body quickly for maximum benefits.

Premium Magnesium Glycinate 425mg


In my opinion Magnesium is one of the most important supplements you should take daily. After having tried many different types of magnesium, this one is without a doubt my ultimate favorite. There are many types of Magnesium but Magnesium Glycinate is the best one absorbed by the body and most importantly excellent to help your body and muscles relax.


Another reason why I love this magnesium is because the high concentration of mg per capsule. It contains a whooping 425 mg of magnesium for 2 capsules. Most brands out there contains 50-100 mg per capsule, so you need to take many capsules to reach the amount needed by the body. You can also feel its potency with continued use. I have been taking this same magnesium for years and I will never stop or change brand.

Life Flo Magnesium Gel


This is definitely a product I can't live without. As you know our skin is the largest organ in our bodies, and anything that we put topically is absorbed by the body much better and efficiently that if we take it internally. This product is a life saver for me, since I experience restless leg syndrome when I lie down in bed, which is actually incredibly uncomfortable. Nothing I had tried before worked in calming down and relaxing my legs until I started applying this magnesium Gel on my legs. The thing that amazes me the most is how fast this solution works, completely calming my legs making them feel completely relaxed within minutes of use. A MUST to have product for me.


Liqua-D Liquid Vitamin D


Another supplement that I think it is a must for everyone to take is Vitamin D, and even if you live in a tropical weather place like myself (Miami) sometimes that's simply not enough. Additionally many people are afraid or cautious of sun exposure, so taking a good Vitamin D supplement is necessary. I did much research when it comes to choosing the right vitamin D so when I reached to a good friend of mine who's an incredible doctor and told me to use this one, I didn't hesitate. This Vitamin D is super concentrated and very easy to assimilate by the body, plus since its a tincture (flavorless) its very easy and convenient to take. I take 4 drops every day.


Life Extension DHEA 25mg


A really good friend of mine who's an amazing doctor, recommended me to start taking this supplement. I reached out to him because going through perimenopause is definitely a challenge. I personally gained 30 lb that seems impossible to loose not matter what I do. I have a very healthy diet and life style and stubborn gain weight is something most women experience during the menopausal years. he recommended me to start taking this very important hormone, specially for women of certain age like myself. he particularly recommended me to use Life Extension brand for its reputation and quality of products. Best part is that the price is truly fantastic as well at only $11 per bottle. I take this daily and definitely see good results.


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Life Extension Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics


Another product from Life Extension that I take daily is their Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics, essential to good Gut Health. Upset stomach and feeling bloated are also some of the symptoms that can be experienced during the menopausal years, and this product has been really helpful to me in addition to Water Out, to help me keep under control the bloating and water retention.


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Water Out Supplement


As mentioned above this is the product that has been incredibly helpful to me, to treat bloating and specially water/liquid retention in the body. I do not have any issues with UTI (urinary track infections) which this product is very helpful for, based on customers reviews and testimonials but I take it to help my body get rid of water liquid build up and is very effective and helpful, not to mention 100% Natural, just like all the products I take. Another excellent product and at very affordable price of $11 I just love great companies that creates amazing natural and effective products at super affordable prices for all.


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Full Body Detox


If you are looking to detoxify your body from Heavy Metals, Parasites and other toxins, this is the absolutely BEST product out there. It is natural and extremely effective. I'm so impressed by these product and what they can do to help our bodies detox, that I wrote a blog post just to talk about the Full Body Detox. Please click HERE to learn more, I think you will find the information incredibly helpful and informative.


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Super Vitamin C from Dr. Schulze's


Let me start by saying how much I absolutely LOVE Dr. Schulze's products. I have been taking them for years and there are three products I cannot live without. First one is his Super C Plus powdered Vitamin C. This is not your typical Vitamin C supplement but a super potent concentrated form of Vitamin C that I absolutely love. I take it straight from the bottle, no mixes with water or any other liquid, just take a teaspoon and place it directly in my mouth. It taste delicious and my immune system absolutely loves it. I HIGHLY recommend this product.


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SuperFood Plus from Dr. Schulze's


Let me start by saying how much I absolutely LOVE Dr. Schulze's products. I have been taking them for years and there are three products I cannot live without. The second one is his Super Foods Multi-Vitamins in powdered form. Powerhouse blend of the most potent nutrients on the planet. Delivering a surge of energy, health, and vitality by nourishing every cell in your body with an array of organic and wild-harvested vitamins and minerals. With its high quality ingredients and rapid assimilation Super Food Plus delivers super-nutrition in seconds.

I HIGHLY recommend this product.


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Intestinal Formula #1 from Dr. Schulze's


Let me start by saying how much I absolutely LOVE Dr. Schulze's products. I have been taking them for years and there are three products I cannot live without. The third product I love is his Intestinal Formula #1 Capsules. Most products available to help promote healthy bowel movement, most often than not have undesired side effects. Once you take them they can make you get such strong stomach cramps, or are just hard on your stomach. Intestinal formula is super mild, never gave me stomach cramps while truly helping release your bowels easily. I'm a person that goes 2-3 times a day to the bathroom easily, I don't suffer from constipation or diarreah but sometimes if I had a cheat day and had eaten pizza or extra sweets, I like to take one capsule at night before going to bed, to complete clean my body the next morning.

I HIGHLY recommend this product.



Colostrum by SURTHRIVAL


This is another product I can't live without, it is by far the very best quality colostrum I have ever found. I take it daily mixed with some almond milk, or add it to my smoothies. It dissolves easily and it taste absolutely delicious. Colostrum supports a healthy immune function, healthy digestion and overall gut health and restoration. This deliciously creamy whole colostrum powder is responsibly harvested at peak freshness and only after the newborn calves get their fair share.



Omega-3 Fish Oil Tripple Strength


We all know the importance of taking Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements. Omega-3s are essential fatty acids used by multiple systems in your body. Your body can’t produce Omega-3 on its own, so you have to get it from food or a supplement. After having tried several bands, this one has become my favorite for its quality and potency.

Delivers 3X the omega-3s compared to what you get with some other fish oil supplements. Each serving provides 2,500 mg of fish oil, including 1,500 mg EPA, 568 mg DHA and 50 mg DPA. Made with wild caught fish using sustainable fishing practices. Our fish oil softgels are IFOS Certified and Labdoor Certified for quality, purity and potency, and are also gluten-free, Non-GMO and pescatarian-friendly

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Omega-3 For VEGANS


Are you Vegan wanting to take Omega 3 supplements that doesn't contain fish or any animal product? I got you! I used to be a vegetarian/vegan for over 25 years so I completely understand your dilemma, reason why I'm adding this Vegan Omega 3 supplement alternative for you.

Freshfield Vegan Omega-3 DHA + DPA is one of the most reviewed plant-based omegas online. Made from algae grown in a controlled environment to maintain product safety and quality. Free from common ocean contaminants like mercury which can sometimes be found in fish oils. Our algae oil is extracted using a hexane-free enzymatic process. This is a Carageena FREE product as well.

Business Household Products

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Phonemo Thermal Printer


As a self employed for the past 25+ years, having a printer is an essential product much needed to run my business. From printing invoices, to shipping labels, printer is something I use on a daily basics. I have always used inkjet printers that not only were quite big taking much space, but will consume ridiculous amount of ink, ink that was not cheap at all.

Until the day i discovered the Phonemo Thermal Printer. I absolutely love this printer. it is very small, light and super easy to store and take with you everywhere. Best part? I haven't spend a penny on ink since having it, since it uses thermal technology so you will NEVER have to buy or run out of ink again. If you run your own business or need a travel printer, this is one I highly recommend because I use it daily. You gave them in many different colors to choose from.

This page may contain affiliate links, meaning I may get a small commission for recommending a product if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. Please know that I will NEVER recommend a product that I don't use myself personally. Your support is always deeply appreciated.

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Disclaimer: All information provided in this website is for educational purposes only. The products listed in this website are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. offers information that is provided for recreational and personal reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional care.

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