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Writer's picture: Ana SatyaAna Satya

Energetically, planet Earth is a complex crystalline grid, an electro-magnetic grid of energy held together via the physical and non-physical (etheric) crystals of Mother Earth.

Earth’s crystals encapsulate the elements of creation (Earth, Fire, Air, Water & Spirit) via a crystalline grid of energy that gives Earth her torroidal energy field, her gravity, her north & south poles, her atmosphere and supports the proliferation of a thriving eco-system of life here on Earth.

Earth’s crystals / crystalline grid is quintessentially the DNA storehouse and Akashic records (light records) of our planet.  The crystalline grid contains the memory of the creation story, the wisdoms of Earth’s history and holds the potential field that gives life to an evolving Earth and an evolving humanity.

Crystals Sacred Ancient Wisdom

Crystals were sacred tools used by our ancient ancestors for healing, metaphysical pursuits, to connect with higher realms and for energy generation and transmission.

Crystals are also mentioned in many holy books such as the Koran and the Bible and have been used by seers, sages and wise elders throughout time.

It wasn’t just the individual physical/energetic properties of crystals that were embraced by our ancient ancestors, but rather the knowledge that crystals are templates of a bigger field, the holographic field of all creation.   Thus our ancient ancestors were well aware that crystals were direct conduits of connecting with the multi-dimensional fields of consciousness of our Milky Way Galaxy and hence all Galaxy’s in all direction of time and space.

The Australian aborigines held great reverence for crystals and it was their medicine man or ‘Kadaicha’ that was the keeper of the stones.  Crystals were used for healing, dream-time ceremonies and to converse with nature spirits including the elementals.

The American Indians adorned themselves in crystal jewellery and used crystals in ceremonies and for spirit guide connection.  They used quartz to connect with their ancestors and animal spirits.  Crystals were also used to clearly ‘see’ dis-ease within the auric field and then subsequently to alter a persons energetic field to facilitate healing.

The Hebrew High Priests wore bejeweled amulets and breastplates.  These blessed jewels were used as  ‘oracles of higher consciousness’.  Theses crystals harmonically worked with the multi-dimensional field through sound, colour, light and sacred symbol for use in scrying, energy amplification and transmission.

The Egyptian pyramids are generator gateways of energy, awakening and stabilizing Earth’s crystalline field.  The Egyptians also used the light refraction of crystals for healing, as well as crushing crystals and combining them with oils for medicinal purposes.

The Maya used crystals for their divinitive powers particularly in the arts.  Ancient priests often consulted their visionary stones to connect with the divine ‘knowledge’ of creation through mathematics, science, music, astronomy, astrology & cosmology.

The Lemurians used crystals to anchor their body of light to Earth’s crystalline matrix. This process of anchoring brings balance and harmonization of the elements of Earth, Fire, Air & Water through Spirit and supports the 3rddimensional body to fully embrace 5thdimensional light frequencies. Dis-ease was not seen as something to fear but rather understood as a sign of imbalance in the energetic/physical bodies.  Illness was thus an opportunity for bringing balance and harmony to the elements of creation through you, in order to raise the frequency of the physical body to hold/embrace higher light potentials to support spiritual growth and conscious evolution.

Crystals were also used by the Lemurians to support telecommunication / telepathy, teleportation and energy generation. Many Lemurian crystals are resurfacing in recent times to assist with both the Earth and our individual ascension process.

The Atlanteans used crystals to accelerate light potentials within the physical body through the elements Earth, Fire, Air & Water through Spirit.  Crystals were also used for energy generation, transmission, communication, weather control and to store information.  Vast libraries of information were stored in the crystals, called Record Keepers.  In late Atlantis, the development of the ego and the free-will of choice to control the natural forces of creation ultimately led to the demise of the Atlantean civilization.

Crystalline Matrix – Humans

The energy field (auric field) that surrounds our physical body is referred to as our ‘crystalline matrix’. Our crystalline matrix is a complex Octahedron (diamond) energy field made up of seven different levels; the outer most field holds the highest 5thDimensional frequencies and the inner most field holds the densest frequencies mirroring the formation of our 3rdDimensional physical bodies.

The picture on the right visually demonstrates the Octahedron crystalline matrix that gives life to our physical body.

The top point of our crystalline matrix (diamond Octahedron) is referred to as our ‘Soul Star’, and contains the wisdom of the evolutionary journey of our Soul.

The bottom point of our crystalline matrix (diamond Octahedron) is referred to as our ‘Earth Star’ and is the energy center that anchors our crystalline matrix into the crystalline grid of mother Earth.

Our Crystalline Matrix and the Earths Crystalline Grid

Our crystalline matrix forms an integral part of the Earth’s crystalline grid – for our own personal evolutionary journey, for the awakening of humanity and for the evolutionary cycles of Mother Earth.

We have chosen this lifetime, as a 5thDimensional Soul having a physical experience, to ground our crystalline matrix body of light into the crystals / crystalline grid of mother Earth such that we awaken our DNA, be divine ‘channels’ of Source through us, and be active participants in quantum leaping Earth into a new cycle of evolutionary consciousness.

Crystals for Healing & Sacred Wisdom

Just like our ancient ancestors, humanity on Earth today can use crystals and hence embrace crystalline wisdom for healing / conscious evolution on both a personal and planetary level.

Crystals & hence sacred crystalline wisdom reminds us that our universe is an infinitely expanding holographic field full of infinite potentials and possibilities.  As Earth is a fractal of the holographic field, our only limitations are created through are our belief systems, our choice to adopt societal memes and our willingness to stay locked within a program based on fear.

Your Soul came to Earth for a reason, to anchor your personal crystalline matrix into the greater crystalline matrix of Mother Earth.  When you anchor, you open as a divine channel of Light of consciousness from the heart/core of our galaxy into heart/core of Mother Earth and hence ‘wake up’ from the program for personal and planetary ascension.

By combining the sacred ancient knowledge of crystal healing with today’s scientific quantum principles we are empowered to transcend the deeply engrained labels we/society places upon us.  Crystalline wisdom awakens our consciousness to ‘see’ beyond the program of social, political and religious frameworks built on fear.  We are then empowered to step outside of the program of limitation and co-create a new world based on foundations of LOVE, compassion, sovereignty and unity.

Humanity is at a crossroads in our evolutionary cycle, but we have a choice.  We have a choice to awaken and embrace Love as conscious co-creators here on Earth.  We have the choice to release the pain of separation and Fear.   Each and every one of us holds the key to the quantum shift of Earth… and we make the choice to awaken and be active participants in this shift individually and collectively. 

Crystals empower us to be this choice and co-create a new Earth in harmony, unity and enduring peace.

Article by © Simone M. Matthews

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