One of my all time favorite crystals for physical healing and protection! Fluorite is highly protective and is a beneficial crystal to help guard one from picking up negativity or negative energies from those nearby. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura and is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress.

Fluorite brings order and balance by eliminating disruptive, chaotic and disorganized growth. Fluorite nourishes the physical body, purifying, cleansing, restructuring the cells DNA (Tumors). It protects and heals disease. Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies. It heightens intuitive powers and makes one more aware of higher spiritual realities. Fluorite dissolves fixed patterns of behavior and opens the door to the subconscious, bringing suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution. Dissolving fixed ideas, it helps one to see the bigger picture. This crystal dissolves illusions and reveals the truth. Fluorite is one of the healing crystals that everyone MUST have. I literally have Fluorite placed all around the house specially next to my computer desk, TV, modem and all electronic devices to guard against excess electromagnetic radiation, to keep my work flow and focus in harmony and to heighten my intuitive gifts. It guards against negativity and unwanted outside influences, psychic manipulation and stress of all types. One simply cannot overuse Fluorite or even have too much of it! Due to its powerful ability to absorb negative energies, Fluorite should be cleared often.
For Fluorite Crystal Healing pouches and medicine bags click here!
For Fluorite Crystal Healing House Kits click here!
For Fluorite Healing Jewelry click here!
In Light, Love & Crystal Healing
Ana Satya